Magical Love!
Love is such a powerful thing in all of our lives. We truly couldn't live without it. We all love family and friends! Sometimes if you are very lucky you find somebody who is like your other half. When you are with them its like magic is taking place. I have witnessed that magic when seeing one of my good friends with her other half and let me tell you they look perfect together! I am so happy for them both. Its hard enough to know if you have feelings for someone, so how can you know if you really love someone? I believe you really have to look deep down in your heart and think of what you feel when your around that person. If you feel like life could never get any better and that that person truly is a great person and they think the same of you, you have met your match. The easier way to say it is that your in love. There is no word like love in the entire world! I really like someone right now and I want to get to know this person, I am trying and I can only hope for the best! Hey Abby if you are reading this I love you and I hope you feel better! I'm sending light and love to all of you, goodnight! =)
Arent Books Wonderful?
I love books so much! They are such an important part of my life. When I think about it, I would die without books. They all have a special wonderful thing about them. Its like each book is a piece of me and I a piece of them, there is definitely a connection. I may sound like a nerd but each time I read a book I just feel so good inside. Its like an extra boost in my happiness. I just finished two amazing books, one called Tigers Curse and the other called Matched. They are at the top of my favorite book list, if I could I would read them over and over again and I would never get sick of them! Do you want to know the two cute guys in them? Oh, you know you do... ok In the Tigers Curse there is a guy named Ren with bright blue eyes and beautiful black hair with a hot tan. Then there is Ky from Matched, a sweet guy with brown hair and dark blue eyes. He is so smart and cute! I LOVE THEM BOTH! Anyway books are amazing and so important. I wish there were more readers out there. You just have to find the right book for you and then it just clicks. I'm not as crazy as I was in 7th grade but that's when I started to love reading and do you want to know what book it was that got me hooked... Twilight! Ha ha, yeah like I said I'm not as crazy as I was then. I don't regret reading it because I wouldn't love reading as much as I do now. If I went back in the past I would never change my mind on reading twilight, I hope you all take a break and just sit back and read for a change, I bet it would make you feel like a new person. Just try it! You will love it! Have a good night! =)
Will Time Ever Slow Down?
It is amazing how fast time goes by! Sometimes I think it goes to fast for me. In a way I'm scared of what I will have to face through life and I find myself looking for a pause button. But in another way I cant wait have my own family and achieve my goals and just have a blast! The only time of the day for me that feels slow is school, it drags on forever. But as soon as I get out of that jungle its as if someone has pushed the fast-forward button and bam before you know it, its time to go to school again! The only reason I am getting though everything in life is because of all my great friends and family! I know you have heard so many people say this before but I would be nothing without them! My two best friends in the world if you are reading this I love you guys and thank you for all of the wonderful things that you have done for me! Also I want to thank you mom for always believing in me and always inspiring me to be a better person. Night everyone, my moms calling me! =)
Sick Day!
Well it all started out with Shaunte, it was Saturday and she was showing signs of being sick but she soon was fine and we didn't worry about it to much. Then on Sunday Maya started slowly showing signs but it soon seemed like she was fine to. Last night everything was normal and then all of the sudden Maya started really not feeling well, (lets just say she did not have a good night). Shaunte started getting a cough, mom didn't feel to well either and last but not least I started getting some major canker sores all around my mouth. The next morning none of us woke up until 9:00 a.m. Maya has been having the worst time out of all of us and I hope she gets better soon, anyway that's why none of us are at school today! Being sick sucks! I hope you all have a good day!
Can Anyone Be True To Themselves Anymore?
Its amazing how easy it is to lie to our selves and others. Sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try not to, it just happens. You could be sad and just trying to make yourself feel better and then before you know it, it leads you to making up an entire lie just to do so. We cant just face the truth, know what we did wrong and just move on. There are some of us out there that can face the truth and I think that is so cool. Those of you out there I truly look up to you. I hope I will one day be able to face the truth fully without having to lie to protect myself. Yes, it is true I do have my slip ups every once and a while, don't we all? Anyway this post is to inspire those who want to change. Lets all look to the future and also look forward to a better day! Good night everyone! =)
The Feeling of Music!
Don't you think music is wonderful? It always seems to lift you up when your having a bad day! When ever I listen to music I feel inspired to go out into the world and do something great! I have always had a deep connection with music. Things just seem so much clearer through a song, don't you think? When I was younger I had a passion for playing the piano, as time went on I slowly forgot about it. But now these past few weeks I have started playing the piano again and it makes me feel so good inside! Whenever something doesnt quiet make sense or I am wanting to get myself out of a bad mood I just listen to the the music I most desire and I soon feel better. We are all connected to music in our own way, many choose to use music to express themselves and I truly think that is brilliant! Just writing about music makes me feel happy! Today I just started writing my own music on the piano and I am so excited to see how it turns out! Anyway if any of you feel the same way as I do about music make a comment! I hope you all have a sunshiny day! =)
Long Day!!!
Ah... I just got done with helping my mom make a blog and I feel acomplished. I went from not knowing anything about blogs to knowing so much more in just two days!! I hope you all have a good night sleep! Cya! =)
Off to School! Oh happy day!
Well this is my second post! I will be leaving for school in a few mins and I know that I would rather jump back into bed. Well at least its friday, hope it goes by fast. Its like we are all flowers out there in the world, slowly opening up our petals through the day. Once we are finely open we just have to close back up and wait for the next day. I guess its part of getting a whole new experince every day, anyway I hope you all have rays of sunshine throughout your day! Bye! =)
Will Life Ever Get Easier?

I always catch myself asking that question almost five times a day. Its hard to come up with an answer for it. I mean I guess it just depends on the person. I also bet that it depends on your attitude towards life. Life has been pretty tuff lately and each day I wounder when it will ever get better. I guess I just have to keep my chin up and just keep doing my best. I have to admit there are thoughs days when it is just so wonderful and I ask myself the total opposite question "Can life get any better than this?" One thing that I have noticed is that teenagers mood change fast and I am truely an example of this. I have to laugh at myself to because you have to admit it can be really funny sometime. Anyway throughout this blog I will be sharing my thoughts on things and other things like that! I hope you enjoy! =)
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