
A Cute Craft!

I had some free time and an idea popped into my head! "What if I used coffee filters to make cute decorative flowers?" Okay it wasn't quite like that, but look at how cute these are! Don't you love them! They are just so colorful and happy looking! <3

P.S. sorry about my dirty hands, its spray paint

Leave a comment if you love it! Thanks!


Wonderful Summer!

This school year has gone by so fast! I cant believe how time flies. This summer I am going on a fun filled Oregon journey with my mom and my awesome brother and two sisters! Its gonna be great! I have decided that I am going to try and do as many fun things as I can this summer.

My List (so far)
Read as many amazing books that I can
Walk on the beach (look for seashells)
Go hiking to Lake Mary
Photograph anything beautiful in sight :-)
Do more crafts
Write in my journal at least 3 times a week
Go to a vintage shop <3
Go bike riding 
Have an amazing journey in Oregon!!!

So what do you think? I think its coming along pretty well, are any of you doing anything cool for the summer?? If so leave a comment, maybe I will want to add it to my list! Thanks guys! Rays of light are just around the corner!! <3

Songs That Make Me Smile!