This year has gone by so fast! I really am going to miss going to hillcrest and all of the great teachers there. I think that summer is going to be so wonderful! Finley we all get the break we have been waiting for and just think after summer we will have a whole new school to go through and explore! Its so exciting! Its going to be so fun going to lagoon in a week and half! There is so much to be happy about right now! Oh my gosh and my sister Shaunte will be graduating 6th grade! I cant believe she will be going to hillcrest next year! She is going to have so much fun! Oh, this is a totally different subject but I am still giving out free blog buttons to the first five people who email me at If you don't know what a blog button is then go ahead and look on my right bar and you will see mine. If you have any questions you can email me. Oh and I am also still trying to figure out how much I should charge people for the blog buttons after the first five free ones are given. Tell me what price you think would be right! Well, goodnight lovelies! =)
Im Not Perfect
No one is perfect no matter how hard they try to be. You know when you have those days when you feel like everything is falling apart? I had one of those days today. It started out okay but each hour that passed came a new challenge or problem. By the end of the day I just had to have a good cry. As I'm thinking right now I realize that most people look at themselves horribly just because of things that happen throughout their day. I believe that if we all got together and told each other what we thought of our selves we would all say the same thing, that we are imperfect. When you hear that word it just makes you sad and then you think even worse things about yourself. Let me tell you right now that its okay to be imperfect. If we were all perfect it would make things so boring. We all play a big part in this world and anyone who reads this I hope you know that you are so important. From now on I will look at my imperfectness as a gift not a curse. Its alright to not always know what to do or say because when it comes down to it we are only human! =) Well I think I better get started on fixing some of my problems now, goodnight lovelies!
Hello Lovelies!
I am going to start offering all of you blog buttons very soon, if you would like one I will make the first five people one for free! That's right free! If you really want one email me at Also I am wanting to ask all of you a question, how much should my blog buttons be? If you want to make a comment please do!
My New Blog Setup!
Hello everyone you may notice that somethings are different on my blog! Well first of all its a different background but that's not it! There is also a new page on my blog called Creative Storys. If you have any cool storys that you would like to share with us then just simply click on the page tab and you will find a link there that tells you my email address. Just email me your story and then I will put it up as soon as I can! Night lovelies! =)
Best Friends! (This is just for you Melissa) =)
Best Friends are so important. If you fully want to live your life you have to have best friends. I have two amazing friends that I have talked about through my blog and I just want them to know that they are so special to me. I may sound a little cheesy sometimes but when I write on this blog I truly am speaking from the heart. Its just a way to reflect on the good. Anyway back to my friends, I believe that my friends are somewhat different versions of me, I have so much in common with both of them. I really don't know how I could ever go through life without them. They both have helped me through alot, I hope I have done the same for them. What I love about them both is that they are totally different people, Abby is carefree, happy, and always just looking for the light in life, she really knows how to make people feel better about things especially me! Melissa is very funny, understanding, and even though it doesn't seem like it sometimes I know that she will always care about me as much as I care about her. There is much more that is great about them but because they are both such amazing people it would take forever to list everything that is amazing about them. Guys I hope we all will always be friends! I love you both! Hope you all have a good night! =)
Water for Elephants!

p.s. ( sorry that this post is so random, hope it doesn't sound weird)
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