Water for Elephants!

Water for Elephants was such a great movie! I went and saw it at the theater with one of my best friends Abby, we had a blast! I give the movie five stars. Today Abby was wearing an elephant necklace and we decided to name it Rosie because the elephant in the movie was named Rosie and she was so cute! She wasn't the only one that was cute though, Robert Pattinson did such a good job! I think its his best movie yet! Anyway, Abby I had a great time and I hope we can do it again soon! Remember Roberts birthday is on the 13th. We have to have a party for him, it will be great! I am becoming a freak over twilight again! This always happens to me. I go from being annoyed with it to totally loving it, its really weird. I guess I will just always be a softy for hot vampires! Edward is at the top of my hotty list.Guess what, I have two favorite animals now! My first will always be tigers but now I think that elephants are pretty dang cool to! Haha, well hope you all have a good night! =)
p.s. ( sorry that this post is so random, hope it doesn't sound weird)
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